
warning Warning
This feature is experimental, it may evolve over time.

SilverBullet allows you to define schema for custom Space Config settings as well as for object tags. Both are defined using Space Config and use a YAML encoding of JSON Schema.

Object Schemas

The general format to define schemas for specific Tags is as follows:



Let’s say you use pages tagged with #contact to represent your contacts:

{{#each {contact}}}
* [[{{name}}]] ([{{email}}](mailto:{{email}})):
  * First name: _{{firstName}}_
  * Last name: _{{lastName}}_

To ensure you always attach the required meta data in Frontmatter for your contacts, you’d like to do some checking. Specifically you would like to enforce that:

  • firstName should always be a string and is required
  • lastName should always be a string and is required
  • email should be an e-mail address, if specified

You can achieve this using the following Space Config:

    firstName.type: string
    lastName.type: string
      type: string
      format: email
  - firstName
  - lastName

note Note
To reload changes to your schema, be sure to run

Config schema

Space Config allows you to define arbitrary configuration keys for your own use cases. This is primarily useful for Libraries, but perhaps you find your own use cases too.

The general format is:

schema.config: <<JSON SCHEMA ENCODED AS YAML>>


Let’s say you find it useful to make your full name globally configurable:

myFullName: "Steve Hanks"

This can be useful, because you can reference this configuration key in any query or template, e.g.:

My full name is: {{@config.myFullName}}

However, you would like to make sure that this myFullName configuration is always a string. You can achieve this with the following config schema definition:

schema.config.properties.myFullName.type: string

Now, if you would accidentally change myFullName into a number or boolean value, you would get a validation error.


Validation happens during linting in the editor (visually, with squiggly lines for errors) and indexing (at the database level). Therefore, changes to your schema will only go into effect when either of those two things kick in.

For pages, during indexing, specified Frontmatter is validated against schema specified for its tags. If validation fails for one of these tags, that tag will be removed from its tags attribute and therefore not be indexed as such. This guarantees that the schema is enforced and any object follows the schema.

For instance, in the example mentioned in #Example, if the lastName of either of the two #contact tagged pages is removed (which would mean it no longer matches the schema constraints), this object will no longer be indexed as a contact and thus not appear in query results for it. However, since the page still follows the regular page tag schema, it will still appear in page query results.

note Note
If you would like to enforce a newly introduced or updated schema on your entire space, you will have to run a full .

Supported types

All standard JSON Schema types are supported. Likely you are interested in:
  • string
    • With custom formats (specified via format):
      • email
      • page-ref (for page references, e.g. [[something]])
  • number
  • array
  • object